The theme we have treated on Day 1 of ER is on the topic of Global Warming. Collecting from the blogs and news sites from around the world posted in the last 24hours we assembled a series of statements and images which relefect the diverse opinions circulating on the topic. In our collage of words and visuals we sought to reveal the complexity of the issues at hand and also its emotional impact on the way we perceive our world . We also underlined, through our selections, the sometimes extremely obtuse and callous reactions of some who, clearly would prefer to find excuses rather than to prevent the potentially inevitable. Whether Global Warming be real or not, whether it be man made or not, we have a clear responsibilty as a race to begin protecting our environment and generating sustainable industries and ways of living which will steer the planet towards greater prosperity. The short sightedness of greed can only lead to tragedy as we are seeing in the combined wars of Iraq and Darfur, all based on relentless land grabs, becuase of that oil..... that damn oil.....
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